Online FORUM for Lives of the Saints

When registering for the forum, you must get a YUKU account.  Do NOT use your full name to sign up.  And do NOT put anything that say Weston Collegiate.  The site is private and you will only be able to access it with approval from me (the administrator), meaning no one outside of our class will be able to read your postings.

How to sign up with the proper user name:
(*Ms.Price will not approve you until your have the proper user name.)
For Day 1 - period 1 classes start your user name with "01_" 
For Day 1 - period 3/4 classes, start your user name with "03_"
Day 2 classes, start your user name with "02_"
Make your user name your last name followed by your first name.
For example, if your name is Vittorio Innocente, your user name would be "InnocenteVittorio".  If your name is taken, just add one number to the end of your name ("InnocenteVittorio5).  Please make your first two letters capitals

Day 1 - period 1 = "01_InnocenteVittorio"
Day 1 - period 3/4 = "03_InnocenteVittorio"
Day 2 = "02_InnocenteVittorio"

Once you have created a yuku account, go to www.livesofthesaints.yuku.com and try to log in.  You will be asked to apply for approval.  You can send a blank message when you apply.  You will then wait to receive your approval message.

Your task for today is to post an introduction in the "Front Door" forum.  You will write in proper English with no fancy colours, no chatspeak or msn words, and no weird emoticons.  Let your language be your power. 

Have fun!  -  Ms.Price

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